Dentist Culver City Dr. Cristian Ferrari
Culver City Dentist News

Ask Dr. Ferrari

26.01.20 / Dentist Culver City / Author: / Comments: (0)
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Q: I do have a severe crooked teeth and I have been told that I can correct my crooked teeth only with traditional braces. How do I know if Invisalign is an option for me?

A: Invisalign and any clear aligner therapy is a case selection . It is important to have a clear communication with your dentist to see your expectations in order to receive an acceptable and predicable results.

Sleep Apnea

20.01.20 / Dentist Culver City / Author: / Comments: (0)
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Question of the day :
My husband said that I snore and he thinks that I stop breathing. Do I have sleep apnea?
Answer :
You could be a potentially sleep apnea patient but you will need to have a home sleep study test to know.

I need a dentist advice.Can I skip a night of brushing?

19.08.17 / Ask Dr Ferrari, Culver City dentist, Dental News, dentist, Dentist Culver City / Author: / Comments: (0)
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It is not ideal skipping your night brushing because you don’t produce enough saliva at night to wash bacteria all away.But it takes a lot more than a night off from brushing to erode your enamel.

Ask Dr. Ferrari

13.08.17 / Ask Dr Ferrari, Culver City dentist, Dental News, Dentist Culver City / Author: / Comments: (0)
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Does the teeth whitening products can harm your teeth?
Answer:The teeth whitening products are available and used in different systems as toothpaste, strips,gel used with trays or gel used with light.The higher concentration ones are require to be used under a professional supervision.When the products are used properly they are safe and harmless.

Brushing your teeth before bed

08.04.15 / Ask Dr Ferrari, Dentist Culver City / Author: / Comments: (0)

….go to bed without brushing your teeth?

Skipping a night of brushing is not ideal.” Bacteria have a heyday in your mouth when you are sleeping ,since they love the dark,moist environment, and you don’t produce enough saliva at night to wash them all away.” A good recommendation from Dr.Ferrari , get a good oral hygiene before bed ,it is  a worth a health smile!