26.07.22 / Dentist Culver City / Author: Dr Ferrari / Comments: (0)
Tags: Culver City Dentist, Dentist Culver City
Is the whitening systems safe?
All whitening systems are safe. Some patients can develop a transitional sensitivity that it will go away in a short period of time.
14.02.22 / Dentist Culver City / Author: Dr Ferrari / Comments: (0)
Tags: Culver City Dentist, Dentist Culver City, drcrisferrari.com, Invisalign
Your dentist at Culver City Dr. Cristiana Ferrari will craft a treatment plan and map out your best smile from beginning to end. Beautiful smile never been so easy.
19.01.22 / Dentist Culver City / Author: Dr Ferrari / Comments: (0)
Tags: Culver City Dentist, Dentist Culver City, drcrisferrari.com
Oral cancer is one of the deadliest diseases we encounter, and research shows that the latest detection of oral cancer is the primary reason that mortality rates are so high. Dr. Ferrari your Culver City Dentist can offer a VELscope Vx-along with visual examination that improves the ability to identify suspicious areas.
17.01.22 / Dentist Culver City / Author: Dr Ferrari / Comments: (0)
Tags: Clear Aligner, Dentist Culver City, drcrisferrari.com, Invisalign
Your smile is unique. Dr. Ferrari your Culver City Dentist can offer you Invisalign Treatment that can shape your smile more gently with less discomfort than braces.
14.12.20 / Dentist Culver City / Author: Dr Ferrari / Comments: (0)
Digital dental radiografics is one the most important new advances that our profession has seen in a quite sometime.Digital x-rays allow the dental professional to better detect, diagnose, treat and monitor oral conditions with a great advantages of less exposure to radiation and less time spent in the dental office.
10.03.20 / Dentist Culver City / Author: Dr Ferrari / Comments: (0)
Q: Can I use whitening products to whitening my old fillings?
A: All whitening systems are effective only on the tooth structure (enamel) not on the restorative work as porcelain, composites or any other restorative material. Most like you will need to replace those fillings after the whitening treatment if you want an aesthetic results.
20.02.20 / BOTOX, Dentist Culver City / Author: Dr Ferrari / Comments: (0)
Tags: botox, Culver City Dentist, Dentist, Dentist Culver City, drcrisferrari.com
Q: How often the Botox treatment for TMJ is needed?
A: Overall the treatment will last between 4 to 6 months.
12.02.20 / Culver City dentist, Dental News, dentist, Dentist Culver City, Oral Cancer Exam / Author: Dr Ferrari / Comments: (0)
Oral Cancer Screening.
Veloscope Vx- along with a visual examination-improves our ability to identify suspicious areas that may have been missed during the conventional examination.Early detection of abnormalities can minimize or eliminate the harmful and potentially disfiguring effects of serious oral disease such as cancer and possibly save your life.
02.02.20 / Dentist Culver City / Author: Dr Ferrari / Comments: (0)
Tags: botox, Culver City Dentist, Dentist, Dentist Culver City, Family Dentist, Sleep Apnea, teeth whitening
Q: Can teeth whitening damage my teeth or my gums?
A: Teeth Whitening is very safe procedure however it can cause some teeth sensitivity on patients with moderate to severe gum recession that will go away in one to two days.
29.01.20 / Ask Dr Ferrari, BOTOX, Culver City dentist, Dental News, dentist, Dentist Culver City, TMJ / Author: Dr Ferrari / Comments: (0)
Tags: Culver City Dentist, Dentist, Dentist Culver City
How effective is Botox treatment for TMJ problems?
Botox is used as alternative treatment for patients that suffer from TMD and has been shown to improve variety of symptoms . Most of the time the treatment is very effective and can eliminate tension and headaches resulting from bruxism (grinding and clenching).