26.07.22 / Dentist Culver City / Author: Dr Ferrari / Comments: (0)
Tags: Culver City Dentist, Dentist Culver City
Is the whitening systems safe?
All whitening systems are safe. Some patients can develop a transitional sensitivity that it will go away in a short period of time.
14.02.22 / Dentist Culver City / Author: Dr Ferrari / Comments: (0)
Tags: Culver City Dentist, Dentist Culver City, drcrisferrari.com, Invisalign
Your dentist at Culver City Dr. Cristiana Ferrari will craft a treatment plan and map out your best smile from beginning to end. Beautiful smile never been so easy.
19.01.22 / Dentist Culver City / Author: Dr Ferrari / Comments: (0)
Tags: Culver City Dentist, Dentist Culver City, drcrisferrari.com
Oral cancer is one of the deadliest diseases we encounter, and research shows that the latest detection of oral cancer is the primary reason that mortality rates are so high. Dr. Ferrari your Culver City Dentist can offer a VELscope Vx-along with visual examination that improves the ability to identify suspicious areas.
20.02.20 / BOTOX, Dentist Culver City / Author: Dr Ferrari / Comments: (0)
Tags: botox, Culver City Dentist, Dentist, Dentist Culver City, drcrisferrari.com
Q: How often the Botox treatment for TMJĀ is needed?
A: Overall the treatment will last between 4 to 6 months.
02.02.20 / Dentist Culver City / Author: Dr Ferrari / Comments: (0)
Tags: botox, Culver City Dentist, Dentist, Dentist Culver City, Family Dentist, Sleep Apnea, teeth whitening
Q: Can teeth whitening damage my teeth or my gums?
A: Teeth Whitening is very safe procedure however it can cause some teeth sensitivity on patients with moderate to severe gum recession that will go away in one to two days.
29.01.20 / Ask Dr Ferrari, BOTOX, Culver City dentist, Dental News, dentist, Dentist Culver City, TMJ / Author: Dr Ferrari / Comments: (0)
Tags: Culver City Dentist, Dentist, Dentist Culver City
How effective is Botox treatment for TMJ problems?
Botox is used as alternative treatment for patients that suffer from TMD and has been shown to improve variety of symptoms . Most of the time the treatment is very effective and can eliminate tension and headaches resulting from bruxism (grinding and clenching).
26.01.20 / Dentist Culver City / Author: Dr Ferrari / Comments: (0)
Tags: Culver City Dentist, Dentist, Dentist Culver City, Invisalign
Q: I do have a severe crooked teeth and I have been told that I can correct my crooked teeth only with traditional braces. How do I know if Invisalign is an option for me?
A: Invisalign and any clear aligner therapy is a case selection . It is important to have a clear communication with your dentist to see your expectations in order to receive an acceptable and predicable results.
20.01.20 / Dentist Culver City / Author: Dr Ferrari / Comments: (0)
Tags: Culver City Dentist, Dentist, Dentist Culver City
Question of the day :
My husband said that I snore and he thinks that I stop breathing. Do I have sleep apnea?
Answer :
You could be a potentially sleep apnea patient but you will need to have a home sleep study test to know.
19.08.17 / Ask Dr Ferrari, Culver City dentist, Dental News, dentist, Dentist Culver City / Author: Dr Ferrari / Comments: (0)
Tags: Culver City Dentist, Dentist, Dentist Culver City, Dr. Ferrari
It is not ideal skipping your night brushing because you don’t produce enough saliva at night to wash bacteria all away.But it takes a lot more than a night off from brushing to erode your enamel.